Tallac Therapeutics™ is a privately held clinical stage biopharmaceutical company based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our multi-disciplinary team is rapidly advancing company’s lead oncology programs in multiple indications. Tallac’s pipeline of oligonucleotide-based ADC candidates includes novel Toll-like Receptor Agonist Antibody Conjugates (TRAAC) to systemically deliver a potent Toll-like receptor (TLR9) agonist (T-CpG) and trigger immune activation within the tumor microenvironment. Several TRAAC molecules are in various stages of discovery and development, including two programs in the clinic.
Tallac team

Ons Harrabi
Associate Director,
Clinical Biomarkers

Maja Bonacorsi
Principal Scientist

Amy Chen
Principal Scientist

Emma Sangalang
Principal Scientist

Danielle Fontaine
Scientific Associate II

Verwina Roble
Sr. Accountant / Office Manager